Exercises to Avoid during & directly after Pregnancy

A good pre & post natal will know that tell you know that it’s not always black and white as to what exercise to do/not do to during pregnancy & after having. Each women and their experience is completely different. However there is still a list of exercises that are most often not deemed appropriate during pregnancy or early post-natal and where extra caution should be taken.


Rotational ab work – such as crunches, sit ups

Leg lowering exercises – leg lowers, double leg raises

Front Loaded exercises such as Front Planks, Push Ups, Mountain Climbers, Shoulder Taps, Burpees – where the belly is “hanging” down or feels unsupported (this recommendation often applies after 20-24 weeks during pregnancy and early post-natal if you have known abdominal separation or weakness).


All of these movements increase intra abdominal pressure and can worsen abdominal separation either during or after pregnancy


Plyometric/High Impact Exercises such as Running, Jumping, Skipping, Box jumps, Burpees or any exercises where she feels increased downward pressure on her pelvic floor and/or she experiences any lower back or pelvic pain, or leaking of urine


These types of exercise place alot of downward pressure on the pelvic floor which is naturally weakened and stretched during pregnancy and after birth. You want to avoid any extra pressure on the pelvic floor to avoid any pelvic floor dysfunction such as leaking urine or organ prolapse. To be able to best monitor your pelvic floor strength and find out when you can do these types of exercises again we recommend you see a pelvic floor physio during and after your pregnancy.


Low Rep ranges during Strength Training


Lifting in the lower rep ranges during strength training usually required the women to hold her breath. This also increase intra abdominal pressure and can worsen abdominal separation and also places alot of downward pressure on the pelvic floor.

We recommend lifting 8 reps and above during strength training to ensure the women is not having to hold her breath during the movements.


dieting whilst breastfeeding